Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My occasional friend

Hi my name is Simbi and my life just ended! You see
only a few times does my life come to a stand still ,
I am a career driven lady in my late 20's,
I own a house and a car.
I have a job as a consultant plus I make 6 digits a year.
I have no need for money,
I'm quite comfortable.

You see I have a friend who is a minister in South Africa,
we met at the airport one day and exchanged numbers.
We talked on the phone a couple of times,
he flies down to visit me about 2 times a year.
This has been going on for 5 years.
In that time I have dated 2 guys,
I used to tell them that I was leaving town to meet a relative,
their little brains couldn't perceive that I was at a 5 star hotel,
in the arms of my special friend.
Those relationships barely saw light of day,
something about me being too independent and too detached and unavailable etc.
Cut the story short they fell by the way side

He's married with 2 kids by the way,
I have no issue with that.
He calls me 2 weeks before he flies down,
for him I rearrange my plans.
He stays at mine,
we go shopping at the stores I like,
eat out at gourmet restaurants,
I make him try new dishes but he seems to be stuck in his ways,
If I were his wife I'd have taught him better.
About the sex hmm... lets just say that experience is not lacking.

When he's not around I don't roll around in bed missing him,
I pursue my career with ambition and work long hours,
I go home after 4pm.
I learnt from the 2 idiots I dated and now I don't date anyone else
besides I have a career to chase so I don't have time to date.
Some people say I just come off as hostile.
My circle of friends don't know about my special friend,
they just know I disappear occasionally.
I usually laugh it off,
keep those losers off my back,
if they knew what it feels like to date a minister,
the rush you feel when you're with him!

Now I sit its my 29th birthday
I'm with the same 3 friends from 6 years ago,
I used to have more I think some just felt neglected,
tough luck no time for babies.
Just got off the phone with the parents,
they were on about marriage .
I'm happy the way things are, who needs to be put through that headache
my 3 friends even though they are at my table,
seem to be more in blackberry world than with me,
I guess its more of a pity showing,
they'd rather not be here I can tell
Last time I went out with them,
oh I mean last time I did anything social was 2 years ago.
Oh a special day like this I wish I could be with someone special,
but I can't call my special friend,
he calls me.

The table across is beginning to annoy me they speak loudly,
laugh loudly and it seems like its a birthday,
she seems happy to have friends around,
I envy the way her boyfriend is making a fuss
I understand him he wants it to be perfect
my friend does that too.
He looks my way I blush and turn away,
why did I do that,
maybe I should flirt with him from far
after all I am attractive.
I do turn the heads of those young interns at the office
every year we get a new batch.
As male attention goes thats the most I get.
I'm not really a social creature so you will find me at home after 4pm
This outing is becoming more depressing than joyful,
the stupid waiter is inquiring about desserts,
I toss him the credit card .
He better hurry I'm ready to leave.

I beg you not to judge me just yet
hear me out:
I'm a loyal person I have always been from childhood,
a girl guide from elementary school till college,
I have been buying my toiletries from the same pharmacy since I moved here 4 years ago.
Its my nature when I find something I like I don't want to change it you know
this special friend I fell for,
yet again I might be in love
I fell in love with the romance we shared,
In love with the convenience our arrangement presented
I am free to pursue my career all but 3 times a year
I like it much
most guys I meet want me around all the time,
I can't do that,
I don't care if he is married I don't want to marry him

Just got off the phone with him
he told me he had resigned from his job;
some personal objections to the way the president was running the country,
not that I care not one for politics.
He also said that due to the way things have turned out in his career,
he will be unable to make his annual trips besides his family needs him more these days.
Nothing about me or how I feel,
I felt like I was just hit by a train!
I don't think he understood how important our arrangement was
the last 5 years flash before me,
my birthday cake still sits with 29 inscribed on the strawberry chocolate icing
I'm screwed!!!


soliloquy said...

It's like you delved into my brain and penned my deepest fears. Hmm.

Afrodiá¹£iac said...

I love this!!