Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm right brained, whoopeee, or wait is it?

I was doing some research on learning styles as I prepare to launch my bid for the Deans list. I came across a test that showed you what side of your brain you use more. I discovered I am right brained. The following article about right brained, was a relief because I finally found someone who was telling me that my behaviour was kind of based on the part of my brian I used more dominantly. I actually used to think I was alone and special, because people just did not get the way I thought or acted. I think there are lots of left brained people in this world thats why.
Your dominant side doesn't mean a permanent side its just a side you tend to naturally use more than the other. So you can develop the other side too to be more balanced.
As you will see the typical righty does not conform to conventional ways of doing things, in terms of math and spelling I'm a lefty. You may get the impression that a righty is...well...dull! Thats because our eduction system has a "leftist" design and approach. So in order to learn the righty has to improve their left side.

The site is

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