Sunday, August 31, 2008

My achievements this summer

  1. I worked my first real engineering job.
  2. I paid my rent all summer and contributed to my education costs more than I have done before
  3. I paid for my holidays and travelling by myself
  4. I shopped and bought myself nice stuff, I didn't have to steal money like some people did when I was younger
  5. I gained more social confidence
  6. I gained more general confidence
  7. I figured out my plans for the future
  8. I discovered my purpose
  9. I got closer to God
  10. I withstood peer pressure and did not go drinking on a weekday
  11. I was able to retake tennis
  12. I played tennis with strangers
  13. I learnt how to make friends with complete strangers
  14. I showed respect for other people's cultures.
  15. I developed extraordinary resilience
  16. I developed extraordinary patience
  17. I learnt making mistakes is not a bad thing, I always picked myself up quickly
  18. I learnt more about myself
  19. Learnt more about my learning style
  20. I gained more wisdom to help me make a bid for deans list
  21. I worked on my family relationships
  22. I worked on my relationship
  23. I bought gifts. I paid tithe and gave offering.
  24. I incorporated healthy eating to my lifestyle
  25. I ate early dinners
  26. I ate 3 meals a day mostly
  27. I gave my laptop away
  28. I did not worry about money

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