Saturday, August 29, 2009

My last thread

They say that's the way its meant to be
I chose this path when I dipped into the honey jar
Whats sweet also is bitter
The bitter hurts as much as the sweet
The bleeding drips as freely as laughter

I am told that's the way it meant to be
let it take its path
I wonder is taking the path the only way to realization?
isn't there another way to realization
In this world is there only one path to realization
and in this world where favor has always been with me I feel like I can control it again
I have always controlled my outcomes

I've been told it hurts
I really don't believe
I don't know if I'd have done it with the knowledge I have now
I feel tied to a whipping chair
by my decisions, I agreed to this pain
love and pain seem inextricable
I feel like I can also control this outcome
I feel like I can separate love from pain

I know I can control what happens to me in life
This is in my power
I stutter at the precipice.....
My Achilles heel, the reluctance to shut the door completely
is the thread that weaves love to pain

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